The Casitian Universe Series
This series starts with the premise that a large group of human beings were stolen from Earth during the Neolithic period, enslaved by an alien race, finally freed, and given their own planet. They return to Earth a few thousand years later in the early 2010’s. Themes include culture clash, politics, spirituality, and the environment. And there are lots of surprises in store!
- "The Casitian Universe Omnibus"
- Smashwords | B&N | Apple | Amazon
- “The Casitians Return”
- “The Story of New Earth”
- “Humans Untied”
When Casitian physician Jam’elo makes a research trip to the western United States in 1859, he quickly becomes emotionally involved with Earth and its inhabitants. In his journeys, Jam’elo learns more about racism and slavery than he had ever hoped to know, falls in love with a widow in Oregon, who he returns with to Virginia, on a trip that will threaten both their love and their survival. (A prequel.)
- “The Expedition”
- Smashwords | B&N | Apple
There are two books in progress in this series, a prequel, describing the initial enslavement and subsequent freedom of humans by an alien race, and a sequel, describing the unification of all three branches of humanity.